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For the love of Corolla

Ok, you can let me know. If you can’t find the tip, we could still do it and I’ll keep the heron tip. I quite like it and the corolla one looks a bit short for my liking.

No idea what the tip on the Heron is like, so it's no loss to me if it comes without it
@zouzounaki have found the box and 2 tips for the Corolla. It has 3 tank sizes, a tank extender and a few different top caps to change the look. The largest tank glass seems to be permanently stained, but I doubt you'd want to use that one anyway. Do you still want to go ahead? You can keep the Heron tip if you want.
Silly me, I just misread the title of this thread as 'For the love of @Crewella !!! I thought, well everyone loves @Crewella but does it really need a thread all to itself? :)
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