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Forum maintenance and a few changes


Jul 17, 2012
In the coming days/weeks there will be some maintenance going on with the forum as well as some changes. Please be advised there may be down times at various intervals while these tasks and changes are being completed. While we will do our best to announce downtime prior to it happening, we may not be able to give extended notice every time.

One of the biggest changes that POTV is looking at making is the addition of a member feed back system for the classifieds as well as an addition of a better functioning forum based classifieds. This will result in certain rules being modified to accommodate these changes.

It has also been brought to our attention as we approach 10,000 members that there have been a few cases of members behaving fraudulently and untoward to the standards and ethos we hold so highly here at POTV. Because of this behaviour we are currently working on a member verification process that will not only add a second layer of protection to you as a member, but to any potential buyers or sellers using the POTV Classifieds section. The verification process will apply only to those wishing to use the classifieds. Several verification options are being discussed currently and a final announcement will be made in the coming days addressing the key points and details.
Would like to throw in that on another big forum I use. You have to pay to sell any items on the classified section.

Think it's 5 for a month or 15 for a year if you subscribe. - Also they ONLY allow items for sale if there is a picture of the item with a note etal in the picture with their username and date etc.

Good idea re what your doing - makes POTV a safer, friendlier place for sure. :)
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