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May 29, 2015
Tried to get a franky yesterday from this site- tuttaltrofumo.it as they were doing releases in small numbers every half hour from 7pm uk time. After the fist batch went up, the site crashed half way through, so no luck. Second batch went up still no luck, third batch went up and the entire site went down. What a waste of time, after getting everyones hopes up they F*cked up big time. Did anyone else try and get one?

This was the ad they were sending out.
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1474511741.529732.jpg

This is what actually happend.
View attachment 104773

View attachment 104774
I tried as well and got absolutely no where. Any ideas what the deal is with the randomised application to purchase they're planning to do? Did you have to at least get one in your basket before the crash to be eligible?
I knew there would be absolutely no point going in on this, the moment I saw they were going to stagger the release across their website I knew it would go tits up, as the supply is too short and demand is too high. A randomizer is always going to be the best and fairest way when it comes to Frankenskull sales- I know of one guy who has been looking for one for ages and was refunded three times last night, which isn't acceptable.

Antonio from Tuttaltrofumo is a stand up guy and I believe what he is saying about him not realizing their servers would not be able to handle the traffic, but he probably should have sent a quick message to Paolo at Frankenskull beforehand. The randomizer I believe is open to everyone to enter and it will be on Antonio's own page, you need to give him a follow to enter
I got to the paypal send payment screen but it just continually loaded then a error popped up, so close yet so far xD :17:

frankie demand is off the scale, genuinely think Paolo and the tuttifrutti guys are doing their best
"Frankensull 3.0
Here we are friends, not friends, clients, potential clients, unbelievers, conspiracy and lions from keyboard
After a night that I would not wish anyone to write to you to explain what happened, what went wrong, and how we plan to resolve the matter.
The site just after the start of the first round of frankenskull recorded 6.000 entrances. People who continued to do the refresh of the page.
On the first round of the 20.00 when I noticed the connection problems I was able to block the sales with the result that only 2 FULL BLACK ON 5 were sold.
Clearly they have not lost time conspiracy theorists to devote their precious time screaming the 4 winds that it was all a farce and that the frankenskull were not loaded
Later at 20.30 I wanted to enter the 5 Red Frankenskull + 3 Full Black trying to monitor from back office the situation and take action if the site was selling more box of those disponibilli.
At 21.00 p.m. instead started the started the real problem, the site has failed and has finally crashed not giving us the opportunity to speak from the back office. Result? The site was selling what black not available.
The situation was already compromised and there was no other way that block the site and put it down. It took about 15 minutes to do it.
We have seen in the meantime the various comments that you all have read, and in that moment it was impossible to speak and to respond to everyone, we were in the middle of an emergency.
Result: the website has sold about 100 frankenskull on a total of 20 available. Clearly at that point everything was compromised and 80 purchases have been repaid.
Me and Paul we're trying to figure out how to resolve this emergency and probably even if the times will not be short (for this we will do a press release)
Now I say to those who didn't have anything better to do than do the professor of corporate marketing. I have been criticised because I chose to put them on the site instead of random in with a list. Well dear friends if you would have followed the undersigned there would be no noticed that this procedure has already been made in the past (but also there was shouted to the plot as the random was rigged)
Do you think all the vapers are on Facebook, but dear I can guarantee you there are as many fans on Facebook that aren't there and neither would take foot for all the gold in the world (and I also started to consider leaving this platform that in the end Is the no man's land)
Who really knows us (those who really know us, and not those that know us for the word of mouth) you know what kind of work we do, who knows us knows that many times the frankenskull went in random or to the first x1 (just scroll down this profile)
There are a lot of pm, many conversations still waiting for an answer and still some refunds to conclude a quorum.
I think I've concluded my outlet for today but some cartridge still maybe i have left.
Good svapo to all"

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