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Geek Vape Zeus X Help


May 7, 2020
Hi all,

Only just joined here but been vaping for a lot of years. I've joined in the hope that someone can help me out and fix a problem with my Zeus.

I'm running parallel 24 gauge kanthol coils, to the tune of 0.3 Ohms, on a VGod Mech Mod. Recently I have been experiencing burnt hits, despite the cotton appearing to be absolutely fine. Its almost as if the cotton is shrinking from the inside the coils and therefore not transferring enough liquid causing them to overheat, but leaving the cotton intact. I'm using Cotton Bacon Prime for my wicks.

The perplexing thing is that the thing vapes absolutely fine for the first 4-6 tanks, normally between 24-48hrs. I've tried wicking loose and tight and played about obsessively with the tail lengths into the reservoirs. If it wicked like shit from the start i'd understand but this is really confusing me.

I make my own juice of a variety of different flavours but tend to land on a 50/50 ratio.

Any ideas would be much appreciated
Should of added, on a full battery at that resistance it works out a shade under 60 W
Kanthal is going to heat up slowly and cool down slowly.
My guess would be that your cotton is burning.
Thanks but that’s not it, I’ve also used SS with the same issues.

after re wicking and looking at the cotton there is minimal discolouration.

the heat curve is more due to the volume of metal than anything else and in this configuration there is not a lot of, not as much as if I was running claptons for instance
Thanks but that’s not it, I’ve also used SS with the same issues.

after re wicking and looking at the cotton there is minimal discolouration.

the heat curve is more due to the volume of metal than anything else and in this configuration there is not a lot of, not as much as if I was running claptons for instance
If you're getting a burnt taste then it stands to reason something is burning.
Unless you can see something inside the deck that looks burnt it's likely to remain a mystery.
When you pull out the cotton is it still in on piece or two. Using cotton bacon and kanthal fused claptons. If I vape a little harder or longer then normal (for me) the cotton can dry out in just the center because of the heat from the coils after vaping.

This gives a dry hit feeling as the cotton in the very middle is broken I also find it within a day or two.
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