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Getting more throat hit and vapour without breaking the bank?


Feb 28, 2013
Hi peeps,

I just bought a starter kit after a particularly underwhelming time on cigalikes. I love it. As one member recently said,the difference is like night and day.

I suppose I should list my kit before I proceed. Two 2.4 ohm Vision CE4 atties with two 900 mAh 4.2v batteries. I realise it's basic,but a good bit of kit to start with nonetheless. Juice wise, I'm trying out a couple of flavours from Safercigs (who are fortunately a ten minute drive away! Perhaps my bank balance won't feel the same way soon!)....Hangsen hazelnut and Virginia. I'm also playing with a Parisian Vanilla (14mg PG80 VG30) from the Totally Wicked Patriot Range which I bought initially to top up my cigalike carts but found it was too harsh in the cigalikes. I'm finding I get a slightly more satisfying throat hit and a bit more vapour from the Patriot juice,but the Hangsen juices are the big winners in the flavour department. They're both 12mg PG70 VG30.

However.......I'd like a bit more in both departments...the hit and the vapour. Can anybody recommend a cost effective way of achieving this? I'm finding I'm sucking on this thing a bit too much and there's something amiss. These carts seem a bit 'airy',perhaps for want of a better word. Is it possible to achieve different results with a lower resistance attie or are there flavours/mixes around which will hit the spot I'm looking for? I generally tend to favour the sweeter flavours. The CE4s also seem a little inconsistent in the amount of vapour they produce from draw to draw.

Oh god,and another thing ;-) Has anybody found that upping from 12mg to 18mg helped to reduce the number of draws they were taking?

Right,I think that's it for now!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Tobes :yahoo:
Hi Tobes, :welcome2:

There is nothing wrong with basic, we all start somewhere and no better place than with an ego and it's simplicity.

However if you want something extra as cheap as chips to help get good hits & TONS of flavour try a dripper ??? and at least unlike cartos you can change juices in an instant (The only thing is you will have to top them up frequently). You may find it's a better hit than what your already used to.... an Igo-L would be perfect & best of all just around a tenner - £15 depending where you buy, and add a drip tip if you dont own one yet. so all in all a new experience for little more than £15 all in :popcorn:

Ps: you will have to wick/wire it but thats a doddle even for a novice and all included in the kit.. The one to the left is the Igo_L besides it it's Little brother Igo-2s which I dont recommend, its a piece of crap LOL.
Too smothered for its size to be any good but looked Sooooo cute I just had to have it :imstupid

Here is a couple of pics Snapshot 7647.jpg Snapshot 7648.jpg

You wont get the drip-tips included but you can see the vape coming of the Igo.... for a cheapo its fab and you cant go wrong.
Nice one Micky,cheers for that fella. Sounds like the right sort of way to go. I don't really want to splash out much more yet,but I reckon I could stretch to fifteen quid. The justification bit....it's the price of 50 grams of Amber Leaf which I'm not bleedin' likely to buy ;-)

Does anyone else have one of these and if so,what are your thoughts?


I bought one to try different juices in. Great amount of vapour and flavour and would recommend it. I've only been vaping for about 6 weeks and ordered loads of different samples so it is great not filling cartos/clearos etc. to sample. I got lazy from rinsing between flavours and just dripped on top of the last one and discovered an all day vape mix I love. Paradise Vapes Royal tobacco flavour with a few drops of Grizwald's apple and pear is amazing! I mix that up now and stick it in a vivi nova on a vamo for out and about.
Forgot to say there are a few good youtube reviews of them.
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sorry just noticed ur reply....

Yes EVERYONE has them pretty much,,, they are kinda a must have if you like.. for the money its a no brainer, and many peeps also get pissed with expensive attys that are hard to maintain good wicking/vape etc. so this lil Gem of a dripper is just the ticket for most.

The bigger brother above this is the Aga or AgaT or as some know it by the Aga+ they all around the £18-25 mark depending what where and what with so to speak...... just depends what you fancy, but the Igo-L is deff a winner.

G luck Tobes
Yeah big +1 for the Igo-L, I'm actually using it on my vamo right now with a new little concoction I knocked up a few days ago Capella praline & cream ..... Mmmm nutella yummy

Easy to set up as well, i'd recommend buying some kanthal A1 0.20 wire & some 3mm silica wick :thumbup:
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