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Getting vape liquid in mouth.

It's just a 2ml tank but with the bubble glass, it's a double coil recommended at 60-90. Moved up watts and sat on 61, primed the coil as well. I turned down the ohms after some reading which seems to of reduced it but still feel the it on the back of my teeth. Using ruthless grape drank 100ml it 1.5 shots of nicotine. Not 100% on the terminolgy for everything so hope this makes sense. Thank you
sorry for late reply.
just checked as not used that juice before and its 85%VG in the 10ml tpd bottles.
as you are using a 100ml zero nic and your running as you said 1.5 shots of nicotine is that one and a half bottles and are these also 100% VG as you are just adding to the thickness. that will be another 15ml of nic shots and making the juice more like 90% VG
stock coils no matter if cotton or mesh are really best with 70vg
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