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GMB stoke the scaremongering..


Mar 25, 2016
Just watching GMB this morning and the subject of youth vaping is being "discussed". Wow...talk about disinformation with cries of the Royal College Of Physicians have got wrong along with countless other prominent experts in the field. True to form they wheel out "Dr" Hilary, who will say anything in return for his paycheck, to say we need to adopt the Australian model in the UK...God help us if that happens here and I worry how our new administration would deal with that.
These discussions about vaping remind me of some of the discussions I had as a kid about the existence of God, but the truth is nobody knows one way or the other for sure.
These discussions about vaping remind me of some of the discussions I had as a kid about the existence of God, but the truth is nobody knows one way or the other for sure.
Yeah agreed, what I do know is around the time I stopped smoking I did a lung function test when being tested for COPD, my lung age at 45 was around 70. After retaking the test 3 months later after having immediately quitting smoking and taking up vaping, it was down to about where it should have been. And nearly 10 years of vaping later I have never felt fitter.
Ah well... each sailor on the kayaks crossing the channel will take a barrel of liquid...
We're not in Australia, this country had the ambition and to be honest: well deserved the title of the Global Leader of not tight borders.
And let's be honest: even now on the facebook and other places it is easier to find the smuggled ciggies for £5/20 then to find a decent mod in the online shops.
So, the black market will just widen, the bosses will have another stream of income which now is passing them.
Actually, I somehow believe that if I'd be a gang leader, I would be strongly lobbying for widening of the black market and taking this wide area.
Just saying who can be behind...
ASH states that patterns of use are currently:
  • In 2024, 18% of youth aged 11-17 had tried vaping, amounting to 980,000 children, which isn’t significantly different from the rate in 2023 (20%). Over half of these (53% of ever vapers, or 9.5% of all youth) had only tried once or twice (520,000 children aged 11-17), with 3.0% of all youth vaping less than once a week (160,000 children), 4.2% more than once a week (230,000 children), and the remainder (1.3%) saying they no longer vape.
ASH is stating that frequent use of vapes in teens has not increased.


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