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E-cigarettes 'can cause more harm than smoking -Article Removed by Daily Mail!!!!

What I find so bloody irritating is that the report basically says PG can give you a sore throat. We know that because any material data sheet will tell you that. What they don't write is that whilst you might get a sore throat from e-cigarette use, you can get COPD, PVD and primary lung, mouth and throat cancers from smoking.

Typical daily mail (lower case intentional) sensationalist bullsh*t reporting. "If only Diana were alive", etc., etc.
Clive got in there quick with an excellent response: http://www.clivebates.com/?p=806#more-806

Also, check out a more relevant and useful article in the Times from over the weekend: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/health/article3669009.ece

And nobody needs to do a story on me, KMS. God forbid! ;)

I can't read the Times article because I don't want to subscribe to the newspaper for 3 months to read one article.

But the Propylene Glycol argument is being used in the EU.
One of my MEPs responded with the information that a colleague had placed a written qustion about 'trace amounts of propylene glyco in ecigsl, which is dangerous in large quantities.
I believe that slight dangers have appeared with injecting large amounts ontravenously but I've never heard of intravenous eliquid.

This lie can be very dangerous! If I had the money I'd sue the daily fail.
Could always involve the Press Complaints Commission? It's a pretty shite article. Badly written, researched etc. The journalists writing skills leave a lot to be desired and I struggle to see how in the hell they managed to become a journalist to be honest!
I see from the link posted by Doodlebug that Clive Bates already has lodged a complaint with the PCC.

Wonder what their response to this drivel will be?!
Dear friends,

After a 4-hours research yesterday, in greek forum for vaping I discovered the fraud in the article.
It is easy but the same time difficult to understand how easily these "serious" newpapers wrote it.

Bundeszentral is an Institute for Health Sector.
So far so good.
It has programs for smoking cessation (interesting)...
For promotion of these smoking cessation programs, they have printed a flyer to fight their enemy.
No tobacco. But electronic cigarettes.
The flyer stands here:
It is in german language but I will translate you paragraph to paragraph:

Das in den meisten Liquids enthaltene Nikotin ist ein Nervengift
und Suchtstoff, der sehr schnell abhängig macht und bei langfristigem
Gebrauch zu Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen führen kann.
Der Nikotingehalt einiger Liquids ist so hoch, dass ein Verschlucken
tödlich wäre. Es traten bereits Vergiftungserscheinungen nach intensivem
Konsum der E-Zigarette auf.

The material contained in most liquids nicotine is a neurotoxin and narcotic which is highly addictive, and with long-term use can lead to cardiovascular disease. The nicotine content of some liquids is so high that swallowed one would be fatal. There were already signs of toxicity after intense consumption of the e-cigarette.

Propylenglykol ist eine Alkoholverbindung, die in den Liquids als Trägerstoff eingesetzt wird und für den Nebeleffekt beim Verdampfen verantwortlich ist. Das Einatmen von Propylenglykol kann zu allergischen Reaktionen führen. Folgende kurzfristige schädliche Effekte auf die Atemwege wurden bereits nach wenigen
Minuten Konsum der E-Zigarette nachgewiesen:
1.Einengungen der Atemwege
2.Mögliche Entzündungsvorgänge in den Bronchien
3.Reizungen in Rachen und Mundraum sowie trockener Husten

Die langfristigen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen beim Konsum der E-Zigarette sind derzeit noch nicht untersucht. Insbesondere die Kombination der verschiedenen Inhaltsstoffe
könnte bei dauerhaftem Konsum zu Gesundheitsschäden führen.

propylene glycol
Propylene glycol is an alcohol compound, which is used as a carrier in the liquids, and is responsible for the fog effect on evaporation is. The inhalation of propylene glycol may cause allergic reactions. The following short-term adverse effects on the respiratory system have been few minutes of the e-cigarette consumption demonstrated:
1) Narrowing of the airways
2) Possible inflammation in the bronchi
3) Irritation of the throat and mouth, and dry cough

The long-term health effects of use of the e-cigarette is not being investigated. In particular, the combination of the various ingredients could use in permanent damage your health.

Regulierung und Qualitätskontrolle
Bislang gibt es keine Regulierung oder Qualitätskontrolle von E-Zigaretten und Liquids. In einigen Liquids wurden geringe Mengen an Giftstoffen (z. B. krebserregende Nitrosamine)
und nicht zugelassene Medikamente (Appetitzügler,Potenzmittel) nachgewiesen. Zudem enthielten Liquids Nikotin, die als nikotinfrei ausgezeichnet waren.

Regulation and quality control
So far, there is no regulation or quality control of e-cigarettes and liquids. Liquids in some very small amount of toxic substances (eg carcinogenic nitrosamines) and unapproved drugs (diet pills, Potency) were detected. In addition, nicotine containing liquids, which were excellent as nicotine.

Nutzung durch Kinder und Jugendliche
E-Zigaretten können durch süße Aromastoffe (z. B. Erdbeere, Schokolade, Vanille) attraktiv auf Kinder und Jugendliche wirken. Beim Konsum werden erhaltensmuster wie beim Rauchen von Tabakzigaretten eingeübt. Somit kann der Konsum von E-Zigaretten auch bei nikotinfreien Liquids zum Einstieg in das Tabakrauchen führen. Bei der Verwendung von nikotinhaltigen Liquids besteht die Gefahr einer Nikotinabhängigkeit

Use by children and adolescents
E-cigarettes can act sweet flavors (such as strawberry, chocolate, vanilla) attractive to children and adolescents. The consumption patterns are practiced as receive when smoking tobacco cigarettes. Thus, the use of e-cigarettes with nicotine-free liquids also lead to entry into the tobacco smoking. With the use of nicotine-containing liquids is the risk of nicotine addiction

Passives Einatmen des Dampfs
Es ist unklar, in welcher Zusammensetzung der E-ZigarettenDampf von den Konsumenten wieder ausgeatmet wird. Es ist nicht auszuschließen, dass auch die Innenraumluft mit Schadstoffen belastet wird. Daher sind Gesundheitsrisiken beim passiven Einatmen des Dampfs möglich.

Passive inhalation of vapor
It is unclear in what composition of the e-cigarette vapor exhaled by the consumer again. It is not excluded that the indoor air is polluted. Therefore, health risks from passive inhalation of vapor is possible.
Die gesundheitliche Unbedenklichkeit der E-Zigarette ist nicht erwiesen. Vom Konsum ist daher abzuraten

The health of the e-cigarette has not been proven. Of consumption is therefore not recommended

I forgot to tell you that THERE IS NO RESEARCH. They got words from the flyer and payed for the announcement in media.
It appears that those in the EU who are paid to keep people smoking such as Tobacco Cessation Clinics, are revving up their publicity machine.
Everybody should complain to the PCC about the Daily Fail article, which could well be responsible for many deaths due to smokers not moving to vaping. In all countries people should use whatever is available to fight these dangerous lies.
Its now gone this, as in been taken down from the site!!!! :)

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