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Good shops for mech mods UK?

Good choices. Where are you eyeballing the Silencer?

The heavy hitter is really impressive, very comfy. The locking mechanism is a bit stiff though. the silencer I saw was on Custom Vapes, they seem to have quite a lot of high end mechs.
Just PM me if you decide to go for it and I'll send you the link :D
The heavy hitter is really impressive, very comfy. The locking mechanism is a bit stiff though. the silencer I saw was on Custom Vapes, they seem to have quite a lot of high end mechs.

no wonder you are eyeballing it on there its £210 as oppsed to £260
none left in stock mate cheapest s £125 but thats with the CC switch

do you prefer constant contact? I know the heavy hitter is, but I’m not sure what that means. As far as mechs go, I know about battery safety and what a hybrid connection is, that’s basically all haha
most of mine have cc switch mate except the clones it eliminates battery arcing and pitting
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