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Greetings Peeps


Jul 15, 2013
Hiya Folks...

I am new to this forum but have been vaping about two and half years now... Many of you will probably already know me from the other forums...

I tried registering with POTV many moons ago and it wouldn't let me, somehow - but finally made it in here just today... Now looking forward to getting to know some of the regulars etc... :)

Hiya Folks...

I am new to this forum but have been vaping about two and half years now... Many of you will probably already know me from the other forums...

I tried registering with POTV many moons ago and it wouldn't let me, somehow - but finally made it in here just today... Now looking forward to getting to know some of the regulars etc... :)


Hiya and welcome .. pleased you got registered! I dealt with your ticket yesterday ... what was the problem? or just a glitch in the Matrix?

Belper eh? Im there quite often .. live notts way over :)

we have a midlands/Notts meet on 10th August at he Sal if you can make it :)
I know a lot of folks like to hear about what hardware new members are currently using, so... my current buzz is with the rebuildable dripping atomisers and Genesis style atomisers... the drippers in particular at the moment...!!! I use mostly mechanical mods, although have just recently landed a Semovar and also have the obligatory ProVari etc...

The two favourite new acquisitions are a PAPS v2.5 in stainless steel finish and an Atmomixani 69 Mod Eric's Edition... The PAPS is a break from tradition, as I tend to prefer side button mods over bottom buttons, but this new release of the PAPS is a lovely piece of hardware and was impossible to resist... :)

I did another posting that included an image - it said it had to be checked by a moderator first, and a few clicks later (probably on the wrong thing, lol) and the preview vanished... I have no idea if it will appear or if I have deleted it now...
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