Unless shop owners get a great deal negotiated with landlord/council they are up against it
Large overheads & working capital/stock means they need a good profit margin everyday
They need plenty of feet through the door, with say only 1 in 3 generating sales
The recent image of vaping in the press hasn't helped I expect
But thought Stoptober & Xmas approaching might have given a small boost to sales
I would guess the margins were starting to fall gradually over time and the owner tried
but held out for as long as they could before calling it a day
There could be numerous "other" genuine reasons:
personal issues, lease expired, new lease being ramped up, discounted rent/rates no more
If a business starts to lose money, you can only hold on for so long as eats away at any profit
accrued during the more profitable periods of business, when the sun shone
Very sad to see another local shop closing, always great to support local businesses etc....
But if the owners has decided to shut up shop, then all you can do is wish them well
& be grateful for having such a great place so local to you whilst it lasted
Now - this is a time you can look to finding new experiences & retailers
maybe experiment in mixology, try other retailers/juices etc.....
A bummer when change happens unexpectedly, but change is inevitable
I hope you find a good replacement vape shop local to you
(and best wishes for proprietor as they seemed like one of the good ones)