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GVC Jizz...mmm...

was toying with adding some banana to the GVC but thought better of it. . People seem to love it but not for me so its now in the swap/trade section
never heard of it, what does it do? do you mean larry huber?

i shot about 5ml into a few of them but after a few it dropped to a couple mil, the 7th bottle being about 0.5 ml so unfortunately @big benson missed out.

i do find it adds to the flavour though, turns it into more of a salted caramel.
What did i miss out on sam.
Its had a 3 week steep and is lush from the off.

Will re-wick a kayfun and taifun and give it a bash....

I have some 80% VG mums custard on the way from Digbys which i reckon will blow the gvc outta the water.....

I'll tell you what...i might do a head to head when it gets here ;)

Sent From My Galaxy S4
I really like v@pęrtrãïñš custard, it's caremelish, and Vaper Caper's is a very true custard.
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