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Gyrfalcon All-88

As I only have 6 cells in married pairs this would be lost on me so I’ll sit this one out but extremely generous Mitz.
Not very often I need more than 2 slots so it would be wasted on me but what a very generous giveaway again @Mitz
Good luck everyone that enters
2. Tumatsu
3. gary68
4. phatbhoy.

My no-name 4 bay is 80% fooked and in danger of burning the house down, so if you don't mind boss am in. And, of course, my genuine thx
2. Tumatsu
3. gary68
4. phatbhoy.
5. Donald Trump's fister

Amazing giveaway and thank you very much @Mitz for the chance as could really do with one of these.
Another superb and generous giveaway @Mitz :14:

Right now I'm just about coping with my D4 by juggling my rotations of batteries to keep my chain vaping habit powered. So I'd like to chip my name into the list for a bit of future proofing please.

Thanks for this chance :thumbup:

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Tumatsu
3. gary68
4. phatbhoy.
5. Donald Trump's fister
6. scottish-jim

Good luck everyone :)
Thanks for the chance @Mitz in another of your very kind giveaways.

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Tumatsu
3. gary68
4. phatbhoy.
5. Donald Trump's fister
6. scottish-jim
7. BULLDOG1964
Hey @Mitz

Great giveaway I'd like to have a go on this please I've been using the same little 2 cell battery charger since I started and its a pain with having 5 sets so I'll throw my name in for this please.
Thank you!

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Tumatsu
3. gary68
4. phatbhoy.
5. Donald Trump's fister
6. scottish-jim
7. BULLDOG1964
8. Sam Andrews

  1. What a very kind gesture and if I may Id like to add my name for a chance at this as have been after something with more slots and readouts than my little basic one thats seen better days this looks fab especially as it does other cells too
    Best of luck all and a Merry Xmas too

    1. ObiWanVaponi
    2. Tumatsu
    3. gary68
    4. phatbhoy.
    5. Donald Trump's fister
    6. scottish-jim
    7. BULLDOG1964
    8. Sam Andrews
    9. AndyR
Not entered one of your giveaways yet @Mitz do i need to send you a Dick Pic or Sommat to enter :hmm:

1. ObiWanVaponi
2. Tumatsu
3. gary68
4. phatbhoy.
5. Donald Trump's fister
6. scottish-jim
7. BULLDOG1964
8. Sam Andrews
9. AndyR
10. Social Misfit
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