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HAPPY BIRTHDAY OccultScientist!!



Happy Birthday to the man who birthed the Planet!! OccultScientist!!!!

Big thanks and much love for all you have done to get this place off the ground and out into the universe! You deserve so much more than an excellent birthday and I hope today brings you lots of laughter, love and smiles....

and of course...lots of strutting like the KING you are :P

View attachment 14687
Holy crap! You kept that quiet hoss!

have a good un Toby
Good grief, site owners have birthdays just like ordinary mortals? Who knew? Happy birthday OcSc :)

Also, thanks for giving us a whole planet. I'd say, "You shouldn't have", but that wouldn't be *strictly* true...
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Happy birthday. OC

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
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