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Having a bad day with the new ud agi


Jul 9, 2013
hey peeps got some vape mail yesterday

So I clean all the parts and tried a ss mesh wick and coil.. made a coil sitting nice @ 1.5ohms then did the torching of the mesh etc threaded the coil in and filled the tank

throw in some of my fav juice and burning taste and smell

have i over cooking the mesh and how tight should the coil be on the mesh
The Wick may have not been wet enough. Did you prime it with e-liquid? Burn some juice on the wick (out of the tank) you get some nice sparklies :D then make sure its soaked after you coil it.
yeah did all that (i soaked the wick & coil after it was setup before firing) and after alittle google search it seems I may have over cooked the mesh. I have a kitchen butane torch and the mesh was going orange yellow colour (not cherry red) I was heating it in the inner blue part of the flame so no oxygen in that part of the flame which in turn just burnt the wick and no oxidizing took place :( (noob mistake)

also do you dip your mesh in water during burns ?? I know some ppl do and some dont I tried both but the over heating would not help anyway just curious :)
Sniff sniff...you sure the littl'un doesn't need changing?

Try holding the mesh a fair bit further away MadTz and just run it around the edges to burn off any frayed bits. Then fit the coil together and anneal the wick by using the pulsing method and see how you get on.
ScottChensoda Na he's fine he's on the Boobs! hungry little man like his dad

yeah I no that now after doing some more surfing regarding the torching.. I thought it was difficult to use a VV/VW to pulse as I dont have Mech mod Yet :) but I will give it a try when it needs done

yeah did all that (i soaked the wick & coil after it was setup before firing) and after alittle google search it seems I may have over cooked the mesh. I have a kitchen butane torch and the mesh was going orange yellow colour (not cherry red) I was heating it in the inner blue part of the flame so no oxygen in that part of the flame which in turn just burnt the wick and no oxidizing took place :( (noob mistake)

Okeey... X time ago i bought some... cheap version of.. some genesis.. i tried 20 ways of making it work.. and always got it plasticy burned taste... now.. I didn't heard about this cherry color.. and holding it a lil more far away..may be the answer to my pain? I feel tomorrow i give it a go again than..
kolgeo if you had continued to read the follow up posts i did find the error i made

am gonna give it one more bash failing that am going to stay with silica
I did it all.. edges nice, not to tight coil, cotton on the top under coil, ecig rolling paper under it.. and still i got all kind of eek tastes.. soaked my wick in juice burned it off, aaanndd so on and i jsut cant make it work..so i stashed them away into a box.. so i dont know..sorry not hijacking thread :D
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