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Having a nightmare with TC!


Sep 18, 2015
Hello fellow vapers!

So I have been dabbling with TC for around a week now and it's giving me nothing but head ache! I am having no trouble wrapping the coils or getting the ohms I want, the problem I am having is that all my coils that I try seems to be slightly burning the wick straight away. After a few minutes of vaping it starts the turn brown in the centre and after around an hour the coils start to go brown in color as well (the wick by this time is very dark brown). I am using a sigelei 150TC with nickel wire (Ni200) I have tried every variation of joules and temp you could imagine but to no avail. All the builds I have done have been in RDA's. I have heard that TC works better with tanks and I do have a few RTA's I could try it in but to be honest I love dripping. So I was just wondering if anyone could give me a little advice on how to get this running ing smoothly with TC before I go grab my drill and start making some kanthal A1 clapton wire.

Cheers in advance :D
Hey! What gauge nickel you using), how many wraps, what internal diameter and is it a spaced or micro /touching coil ? Could you post a photo of the build please? Also what temp settings are you using? In sure we can figure this out so don't fret!
Hello fellow vapers!

So I have been dabbling with TC for around a week now and it's giving me nothing but head ache! I am having no trouble wrapping the coils or getting the ohms I want, the problem I am having is that all my coils that I try seems to be slightly burning the wick straight away. After a few minutes of vaping it starts the turn brown in the centre and after around an hour the coils start to go brown in color as well (the wick by this time is very dark brown). I am using a sigelei 150TC with nickel wire (Ni200) I have tried every variation of joules and temp you could imagine but to no avail. All the builds I have done have been in RDA's. I have heard that TC works better with tanks and I do have a few RTA's I could try it in but to be honest I love dripping. So I was just wondering if anyone could give me a little advice on how to get this running ing smoothly with TC before I go grab my drill and start making some kanthal A1 clapton wire.

Cheers in advance :D

Ive been having the same issues with ni200 and i use a rta. Got the drill out last night made some twisted kanthal and now im wondering why i bought a whole new set up and wasted all that money when i had it right the first time. I know this doesnt help you anyway but hopefully you dont feel like the only idiot that cant make a simple tc build work..... FML
Hey! What gauge nickel you using), how many wraps, what internal diameter and is it a spaced or micro /touching coil ? Could you post a photo of the build please? Also what temp settings are you using? In sure we can figure this out so don't fret!

If you could help me i dont have a current pic but i can tell you that i had 30g ni200 2.5 internal spaced 8 wrapped little fucker that i had too run at 500f on 25 watts to get the vapor but just seem to be lacking in flavour which i thought tc was for? Dont worry if you cant advise me i just like to rant as im still not over the fact i cant make it work for me haha. I need someone to make a youtube vid of the vsrdna40 and the crown uwell rba section in tc mode and i think ill be okay then.. Have a great weekend.
Coil wise seems like a good set up. Make sure that you reduce the amount of cotton to where there is virtually no resistance to if you pull it. Sounds like you're wicking isn't feeding the coil if you're having to up the temp but it is producing. If you're doing evenly spaced coils with minimal leg length at that gauge then it's a case of playing with the wicking until it works. I get your frustration mate but once you nail it will be worth it! Go play with a dripper for a bit and then try again with less wick!
Make sure that you reduce the amount of cotton to where there is virtually no resistance to if you pull it.

This. If you're having to crank up the temp the point where the wick is browning to get vapour, overwicking is the problem 9 times out of 10. You should get plenty of vapour around 400 oF/200 oC. If you're getting little vapour at this point, usually it's because the coil is too dry and heating up too fast, triggering a power cutoff. Cranking up temperature to avoid the power cutoff will just leave you with a brown wick and a bad taste. I never have to run above 450 oF/230 oC, and for me things start getting barbecue flavoured around 480 oF/250 oC.
Thanks for the replies everyone, I am at work at the moment so I can't add any pictures as its at home. It's 10 wraps with 26 gauge with a 3mm diameter coming out at 0.06 ohms running it at 410F at 30 joules. Set at this I'm finding it a bit lacking in vapour and flavour but I do not want to go any higher and burn the hole thing up. I have the resistance locked in.
Thanks for the replies everyone, I am at work at the moment so I can't add any pictures as its at home. It's 10 wraps with 26 gauge with a 3mm diameter coming out at 0.06 ohms running it at 410F at 30 joules. Set at this I'm finding it a bit lacking in vapour and flavour but I do not want to go any higher and burn the hole thing up. I have the resistance locked in.

Most likely it's the wicking....
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