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HCigar Maze V3

I've found the most difficult style of vaping to match to squonking is definitely mtl. Single coil rda' s really nail the restricted lung hit and fit mech squonking perfectly but trying to find that perfect mtl vape is quite a trek. Have been trying different coil set ups on the nolegal this weekend. It's very much like the snappy in design. Not bad at all (pics will follow). But the search continues.
Looks pretty need indeed. I have Li-mo coming. I'll just put this in my basket :D
Maze V3 will be the one to look for

17596737_1239663922795697_7071306706721964032_n.jpg 17861720_1327783233973047_2095714395743961554_n.jpg
Now price dropped even more, its £11.18 :)
Are you displaying the prices in gbp? If so the conversion rate is always incorrect on fasttech, you will always be charged in usd, you have to ignore the gbp prices. It works out around £13.50 at the minute.
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