The US sure has a ton of juice companies now. California in general has an amazing amount of juice companies that popped up in the last year and are still popping up.
There is actuality a real big lab in the Los Angeles area that I believe makes this possible. They have full blown clean rooms and large staff on hand. Many juice makers send there recipes and ingredients to them, and the lab will do all the mixing/making. That way it's made in a proper environment and meets the high standards we have come to expect from our juice these days.
That way someone with a good recipe can start their juice line without having to hire a bunch of staff, get a location, build/purchase clean room environments, and stock all the lab equipment.
It's crazy reading all the juice reviews on this site... I've never heard of %70 of the stuff mentioned because it's all European juice we don't really get over here. Some European juice makes it's way to us... but were in no shortage of our own juice companies, so what does make it over here is minimal.
I wish we got more juice from Europe... sounds like you guys have some pretty cool stuff. Your money is stronger than ours is; that and the shipping cost is probably why we don't get much European juice. I actually see far more juice imported from the Philippines than I do Europe over here. We have a massive pino population in California, so we get all their mods, atomizers, and juice.