evolution of the ecig... well we had the AA puck mods then came the 500mah egos then mechanicals made the scene. lol i remeber having some mech years ago that used a cartridge lol, then we got things like the provari when vv reared its head, and then the Darwin. personally i prefer the Darwin over provari..... or my sari.... but it stays at home in the gun cabinet with a bottle of sweet corn diy eliquid. deer love the smell and pretty much walk up to me when im hunting. occasionally ill take it on the road, but not too often. i also remember when 1.5 to 1.8 was "low" in terms of ohms. the homemade flashlight mods that people would blow up not knowing what they were doing. when everyone swore by high ohms and the confusion in battery life. i remember someone telling me that higher ohms meant longer battery life but was always confused when his 2.2 ohm cartridge would drain his batteries (cigalikes) but he couldnt understand that more power was needed to complete the circuit than a lower resistance cartridge. i remember when the cartridges were not labeled by resistance at all and no one knew. its came a long way..... i did mention in my profile i tend to ramble right?