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Hello From Ireland

Thanks Waspy

Cyberpixie said:

I have Irish in me too, which bit I'm not sure, perhaps my left leg lol Must be where I get my really pale skin from though. My great Nan was Irish, although she married a french sailor and watered the irish down a bit lol

I'd like to think the little bit of Irish in you had navigated to your fingertips and being the reason your famous juice (which I hope to try soon) is so delicious and popular. However, I'm afraid it's more likely down to the French sailor....the French make rather good perfume, I'm told.

I was hoping to include a banner in my sig but it turns out to be huge with no way in making it small enough not to take up the screen. Anyway, there's an Irish vapefest in Sept which promises to be good tho nowhere as large as the UK one. Dave (the Happy Vaper) is coming over along with a few more from the UK and lots of vendors, prizes, juice bar, etc. The webpage is:

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