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Hello from Kansas


New Member
Feb 16, 2014
Hello from Kansas. I started vaping about 3 yrs ago in May. My wife and I started with a disposable and the rest was history. We quickly moved to Ego batteries with an assortment of different cartos and eGo T tanks. We then discovered EDCC's and loved the ease and flavor. As our knowledge progressed we purchased more and more advanced devices. Next was the Joyetech Ego-T Mod's with 18650 batteries. We used those for quite awhile. Bought myself an eVIC while in Tampa on a business trip. Next were a pair of MVP V1's, then a pair of VTR's, then a pair of SID's, me a Tesla and her a Seglei ZMax. Interestingly it's is my wife that has the MOD bug more than me. She is always saying 'OOOHHHH we need to buy these'. We each have totally different tastes in juices. I love to get my juice from MBV but also do DIY for a few flavors. My favorite topper is the Aspire Nautilus followed by the iClear 16b, 30b, 30s & 30, smok ARO pyrex. Dual Coils are my preference.

Now I can finally find out if there really is 'no place like home'.
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