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Hello from Portugal.


Apr 25, 2014
Hello everyone!

I've been a vaper for three months now.

I gave up smoking tradicional cigarretes two weeks ago, and have
been holding to my e-cig, just doing fine.

Cravings haven't been quite strong or frequent. I imagined i would heavily miss the good old smoke, but vapor has worked better than i imagined so far.

When i bought my first e-cig, with the first e-fluid, the reduction on the cigarretes i was smoking happened in the first couple of days. I went from about 12 to 14 a day tradicional cigarretes to 5 or 6. It went like that for about the first month of use, only to increase again in the middle of the second month.

For about a week or so, i had gone back to my old smoking habit, same number of cigarretes as befores, and it went like that a bit longer than i wish. For a while, i let go of the e-cig, until i finally took the decision, and smoked my last cigarrete.

I got back to my e-cig, and yesterday bought myself a KangerTech Mini Pro Tank 3.

How have you been dealing with quitting? (Or how did you deal when you quit?)

Do any of you still use nicotine in the fluids, or was it easy to eventualy give up on it?

looking forward on hearing from you all!
Hello and Welcome, I managed to switch with no looking back 1 year and counting :D
Aloha man, im currently working my wat down in nicotine (down to 1.2 from 2.4 after a few months) but find sometimes there's no decent middle ground from the same supplier (sometimes dropping 0.4mg is a big difference) so have to shop around to get a nice vape but still the kick i need.
Aloha! Do you surf? I do! It strenghtns my will to avoid smoke. In this two weeks i felt a huge difference when surfing! My paddling got a lot more consistant, my breathing feels better everyday, i have a lot more stamina than ever before.

Living in the north of POrtugal, the city of oPorto has some local specialized stores where you can buy your items. When it comes to e-liquid i prefer to shop at those stores, where they let me test out the flavours first, so i can make the apropriate choices. I have some high, medium and low nicotine liquids, and just started by the low, using the medium and high whenever i feel a little more anxious!
:2thumbsup: Hello,Nice to meet you!!!
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