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Old lady quitting

Hi @mbratton and welcome 🤗

Well done on giving up the smokes - 9 days (or 10 now I guess) is no small achievement. Hopefully that's the hardest part over.

I had smoked for 25 years before I discovered vaping. It's a life saver. I am bamboozled by the attitude of so many people, and health organisations and professionals. For years, an effective way to give up smoking was some kind of holy grail. Now we have one, it's outlawed, demonised and dismissed.

Crazy world eh.
So I've looked for a space to post in the US without success and so, here I am. I am a 70 year old woman in Brooklyn desperate to quit smoking and found that vaping is my way out. Judge as you might but I just want some acceptance and understanding. It's been only 9 days but I now have hope!
I too am in the Old Lady club. I just quit last week. So I will be more than willing to extend acceptance and understanding, as long as I can get some in return. :)
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