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Hello from Stockport

stockport, you lucky git, you have a liberty flights shop round there. welcome to the forums
Is liberty flights good then? Was hoping to find a shop to buy from in person
Hi There,

I'm rather new to all this.

Gave up smoking about 10 years ago now (I was 22 and my Gf, now wife was very anti smoking). Other than the odd drunken smoke I've been pretty good but miss it a lot.

Vaping caught my eye a few months ago, so I gave in last month and bought a vapestick v1 disposable menthol from Tesco, I was impressed! Since then I've spent around £40 on them as they don't seem to last, so definetly looking to upgrade to a real kit.

The funny thing is, my wife doesn't know! I'm like a closet vaper and other than a faint minty smell on my shirt I cant smell it either.

So just saying hello, been lurking around a few forums but this one seemed the best.

Welcome to the site rapidx. That's the best thing about secret vaping - no stinky fag smell!! I secret vape at work :)
I'm from near Stockport and I believe there are a couple of vaping/liquid stores in the centre - have you visited any of them??
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