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Hello from sunny Gravesend


Mod Maker
Feb 22, 2014
Hello world

I gave up analogues about eight months ago by transferring my addiction to the digital equivalent. I thought I would have to be dragged into the 21st century kicking and screaming but my first puff on an ego device changed everything. The only thing I have missed in all that time is the cheap cigars I used to smoke on a Monday night while playing darts (and that is only a distant memory)

Isn't it funny how you can get ejuice that tastes like fine Havana cigars but nothing that tastes like the cheap crap that I used to enjoy......strange
Hi and :welcome2: I only joined yesterday, but from what I've seen it's a friendly bunch.

Yeah, it's weird how they have all these decent flavours and you still go for the stuff you're used to. I have only tried original tobacco, but I do plan to branch out...eventually!
Hi and :welcome2: I only joined yesterday, but from what I've seen it's a friendly bunch.

Yeah, it's weird how they have all these decent flavours and you still go for the stuff you're used to. I have only tried original tobacco, but I do plan to branch out...eventually!

The funny thing is, I started the other way around. I tried all the fruity flavours first and worked my way back to tobacco. I guess I'm not a very sweet person..............
The funny thing is, I started the other way around. I tried all the fruity flavours first and worked my way back to tobacco. I guess I'm not a very sweet person..............

Yeah, I didn't realise how sweet tobacco was until I smelt the vapour, but still, I do plan to branch out eventually ;)
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