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Hello from sunny Gravesend

Hello world

I gave up analogues about eight months ago by transferring my addiction to the digital equivalent. I thought I would have to be dragged into the 21st century kicking and screaming but my first puff on an ego device changed everything. The only thing I have missed in all that time is the cheap cigars I used to smoke on a Monday night while playing darts (and that is only a distant memory)

Isn't it funny how you can get ejuice that tastes like fine Havana cigars but nothing that tastes like the cheap crap that I used to enjoy......strange

Hello my friend, just to let you know, i have run across a few places with ejuice in a black and mild flavor and in a strawberry blunt flavor. Check the web, you just may find something to fit your craving for a good cheap cigar...vape on.....

Sent from my LG-LS840 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Not always sunny though ;)

The only reason Gravesend was the hottest town in the UK the other year was because we've got a thermometer down here (although I believe they call it a weather station)
Hi anubis,

Was wondering how your darts league are about vaping? Not played league for a few years up here but thinkig of going back at some point. I know from practice that picking up the e-cig is handy but not sure if that will be allowed when playing.

Good luck finding "crappy cigar" juice :)
Hi anubis,

Was wondering how your darts league are about vaping? Not played league for a few years up here but thinkig of going back at some point. I know from practice that picking up the e-cig is handy but not sure if that will be allowed when playing.

Good luck finding "crappy cigar" juice :)

People down here are not really enlightened - most of the lanlords don't like vaping (especially the ones who never smoked) so we still have to go outside but we do have one or two who have no objection. However, vaping and throwing darts at the same time could get a bit dangerous in our league - especially after a few pints.

On the up side though, quite a few woman have come up to me and said "I've never seen one that big before"
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