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Hello from Sunny Ireland!


Jul 21, 2013
Or not so sunny!

Not so new to vaping and have been a member here since last year, but only now am I kicking my community vaping experience off! I'm from the inimitably sunny Ireland (where seemingly no prolific vapers dwell... *sob*)

It's been great reading a lot of the reviews and advice on this forum, so I thought I'd kick-start my adventure here!

I'm personally a huge fan of both bottom-coil cleartomisers like the Kanger ProTanks (and Evods as a cheap and popular staple) and RDA's (just not the bloody Octopus RDA!!!). I get quite a lot of my things from Fast-Tech, which I have found fantastic for my vaping budget! I also recently have been taking your Vendor of the Month advice - and have just bought 7 bottles of juice from Dark Star Vapour and will have to get back with a review of those (they're amazing btw, if you hadn't guessed/tried them already). I have previously bought from Celtic Vapors, The Alchemists Cupboard and Ecigwizard. I've literally *just* ordered from 8bitvape too - who seem very good, so we'll see!

I follow GrimmGreen on YouTube, fairly religiously - I like his style of commentary and his fun insights into new mods and paraphernalia - plus he's usually right on the money with what he advises! I like uppy-closey time too ;)

As a medical professional, I have an interest in vaping and health - so articles about EU legislation, nicotine replacement therapies, effects of the various methods/ways of vaping on ones health really interest me and I love a good chat about that!

Hit me up - it would be great to speak to you guys - it's lovely to have a UK based forum! I'm also on reddit :-)
Or not so sunny!

Not so new to vaping and have been a member here since last year, but only now am I kicking my community vaping experience off! I'm from the inimitably sunny Ireland (where seemingly no prolific vapers dwell... *sob*)

It's been great reading a lot of the reviews and advice on this forum, so I thought I'd kick-start my adventure here!

I'm personally a huge fan of both bottom-coil cleartomisers like the Kanger ProTanks (and Evods as a cheap and popular staple) and RDA's (just not the bloody Octopus RDA!!!). I get quite a lot of my things from Fast-Tech, which I have found fantastic for my vaping budget! I also recently have been taking your Vendor of the Month advice - and have just bought 7 bottles of juice from Dark Star Vapour and will have to get back with a review of those (they're amazing btw, if you hadn't guessed/tried them already). I have previously bought from Celtic Vapors, The Alchemists Cupboard and Ecigwizard. I've literally *just* ordered from 8bitvape too - who seem very good, so we'll see!

I follow GrimmGreen on YouTube, fairly religiously - I like his style of commentary and his fun insights into new mods and paraphernalia - plus he's usually right on the money with what he advises! I like uppy-closey time too ;)

As a medical professional, I have an interest in vaping and health - so articles about EU legislation, nicotine replacement therapies, effects of the various methods/ways of vaping on ones health really interest me and I love a good chat about that!

Hit me up - it would be great to speak to you guys - it's lovely to have a UK based forum! I'm also on reddit :-)

welcome to the planet buddy -

could i ask that if you haven't yet would you sign and support the EFVI initiative to help stop the proposed eu ban on ecigs - www.efvi.eu
thank you
Definitely! It's a good initiative.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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