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Hello from sunny London

Phat Barstood

Jan 7, 2018
New vaporist,hoping to improve my health,get down to 0mg and bust some clouds.Over a period of time obviously.I'm starting on 18mg,and i'll let you know when I go down to 6mg.
Welcome to the forum.

I'm from the civilised bit above the river, where are you?
Same here W3/NW10 area.If it's no go for cabbies,it's no go for me...lol
Gotta love us Londoners! Salt of the earth.. I'm an East Londoner born and bred... Quite often over your way though infact I'm always everywhere on London as I'm doing my knowledge [emoji6][emoji6][emoji6]
My cat is a Londoner. But she took refuge in Glasgow. A refuweegie now. She’s been here 4 years and still gets angry when she hears a London accent :D
:hello:and :welcome1:to the planet of the vapes its good to have you here:thumbup:.. i live in essex but not far from east london..
Welcome from Greenwich @Gerald Short

Like the Kate Bush / Wilhelm Reich cloud-busting avatar there.

Hope you find POTV helpful, must rush now I'm afraid, as I have to head out into the
desolate wastelands of South London to meet with the other members of my hunting party.
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