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Hello hello


Feb 14, 2023
Hey everyone, I've been vaping for a long time but been out of the game for a while.

Was a member on the ECF forums before and now I'm here.
I've vaped mostly consistently for 8/9 years? hard to pinpoint when I started but the first thing I did was bought an RTA and a mech mod, and obviously scared myself off vaping for a while.

I got back in a few months later with an adjustable mod and been collecting bits here and there ever since and have never really touched anything other than sub-ohm.
I've played with RBA's and building my own coils but I've strayed back away from that and I just like kit that looks good.
I've dabbled a fair bit with DIY liquids too so hoping to potentially get back into some of that as I have a bunch of PG and VG sat around.

I used to smoke on and off, but I never started vaping to quit until a few weeks ago, and I bought a little Argus to vape some of the high nicotine which is my first venture into the higher resistance stuff, but still sub-ohm mostly, but now I'm 4 weeks tobacco smoke free!

My bought myself a VooPoo Drag 4, Argus XT and an Argus pod a few weeks ago to try encourage myself to quit smoking, although I have a good chunk of vapes and tanks sitting around that i'll probably cycle back into once the novelty of new vapes has worn off a little. My favourite being my Asmodus Kodama stabwood Minikin v2 (for obvious reasons) but I dont like taking that one out of the house, i'm pretty clumsy.

But yeah that's me, bit of a life story, but hi!
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