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Hello POTV

Feb 5, 2014
Yet another recent convert to this exploding vaping scene here.

30+ years smoker with a litany of failed attempts to chuck it behind me. Came across discussion of vaping on another (non vaping-specific) forum so decided to try it, not especially hopefully. That was about ten weeks ago and I cannot believe how easy it was to drop smoking. Not merely stopping though - in no time I found I had absolutely no wish to smoke a fag and was 100% sure I'd never go back within a month. If anyone had told me that just a few months ago I'd have thought they were stark, raving bonkers.

Started with a very basic vip ecig, quickly moved on with a vision spinner 1000 kit, then got the 1300 vv spinner which along with finding a couple of liquids I like has suited me down to the ground.

This 'shinyitis' thing has now kicked in so I very recently bought my first 'mod', and have also been trying out various clearomisers or tanks or whatever it is you're supposed to call them!

Still a complete novice, and still somewhat intimidated by the sheer amount of 'stuff' out there. Which is partly why I've registered here, to try and become more familiar with it all by having a gander at what other people are up to.

Thoroughly enjoying it though and, like everyone else it seems, finding it's becoming much more a hobby than just something you do to satisfy a craving, which is what smoking fags was to me. So hello all.
Hello and welcome to the Planet @Goodtime Eddy Filth, similar story to me, I'd never thought I'd ever be able to give up!

You seem to be progressing well in your vaping journey so far. It is very confusing to start with, there are so many options available and so many combinations of things which all affect your vape.

Don't worry though, you'll soon get the hang of the terms used and feel free to ask any questions as you go along!
Hi Blossom & Ninja. Yeah there's a lot of options alright - when I was googling about for reviews etc trying to decide which mod to start with I ended up more confused than I was to begin with I think.

So naturally I just bought a big, fat shiny one that caught my eye and hoped for the best (sigelei zmax v5). Luckily I like it a lot. It looks like Apollo 11 with a protank on it!
Wow! Great story Eddie! Welcome to the Planet! I'm glad to see you are as passionate about vaping as the rest of us! We're all believers here.
You're body will thank you, you're wallet is gonnal hate you! :D
vApe on!
Signed: former 32 year smoker!
Cheers Whit, BB, SirC. Friendly place this, which is nice.

The wallet thing is so true. I am guilty of getting carried away and buying too much stuff no doubt - reading around, I'm not alone though!

As for the passionate bit, I do think it's great (and hope the powers-that-be don't come along and spoil it all). I wish someone had invented this about 20 years ago. Also, I've converted two people at work already with a third about to dip their toe in the water. I've probably bored a few people talking about it as well but hey ho, all in a good cause...
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