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Hello! Testers required please!

Morning everybody!

I hope you're all having great days so far :)

On second thoughts, I think I've made things far more complicated than they need to be (!). (Plus I got told off for posting a link when I wasn't supposed to… oops! You can tell I'm a beginner on the forum!)

Ok, so if you'd like to try them for free you can email me at [email protected] with your postal address and I can send some out to you to feedback. Way easier than signing up and cancelling! I've only got a few though so might not be able to send to everybody. (First come first serve I guess!)

Flavours are:

Classic tobacco
Cool menthol
Crisp mint
Deep cherry
Fruity blueberry
Fresh strawberry
Sweet caramel

All in 3, 6 or 12 mg/ml... just email over your preferred 2 or 3 flavours and strength and I'll email you back to confirm.

Thanks! Chloe x (from My Vape Box)

Much better way of doing things. Pity they are only 50/50. Should be useful to a lot of other people on here though.

My suggestion for expansion would start giving the option of a 70vg / 30pg as well.

Good luck!
Similar to how Cds were sent out. I remember getting those flyers offering 3 free cds, but then forgetting to cancel every month (or it was hard to cancel, I can’t remeber). I ended up with tens of CDs I never listened to. I guess same business plan keeps coming round and round and finally hit the vaping scene lol...
Similar to how Cds were sent out. I remember getting those flyers offering 3 free cds, but then forgetting to cancel every month (or it was hard to cancel, I can’t remeber). I ended up with tens of CDs I never listened to. I guess same business plan keeps coming round and round and finally hit the vaping scene lol...

LOL!!! I remember those CDs too! I'm sure I still have a box of them stuffed under my bed somewhere!!!

But please be assured the business plan is to send delightful liquids that people enjoy so much they won't want to cancel :) (And if they do want to then it's super easy)

Chloe x
So how does it work @Chloe_My Vape Box ? You have the seven plain flavours of 50/50 liquid, and you just send out the same 7 bottles of your own brand of eliquid to people every month? I can’t see that catching on.
I had a look at your website, it says Our exclusive plus+ brand of e-liquids are quickly becoming a favourite amongst UK e-cigerette (sic) users, and for very good reason.

But how can that be when you can only get them from your subscription service? How come I’ve never heard of them and nobody on here has mentioned it?

I don’t get it.
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Dear everybody,

I'd like to take this opportunity to formally apologise to Chloe and the wider POTV community for misreading the company name as Vape My Box.

I am not proud of myself and realise that I've let the forum down, vaping down - but most importantly I've let myself down. I promise that I will in no way repeat such a smutty error by misreading a post created by an attractive woman again.

Honestly, very sorry.

Very, very sorry.
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