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Hello Vapers!

Rumdog do it! U won't regret it,just be aware you'll not be able to use "need" the shiny things will only be want after:-)

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hi there.
I've been vaping now since June but not as far along as i'd like to be. Still puffing along on my eGos but looking to purchase my first mod. Seriously considering an Innokin MVP v2.

welcome fella I can reccomend the mvp2 its the only vv/vw ive kept since mving to mechs its a great little mod and its bulletproof get it from myepack £36 with an iclear 30
Welcome to the Planet Mate!!! The MVP is my work Vape because of the Battery Life, Its not much to look at but it's a Great Workhorse!!!:welcome2:
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