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New Member
Feb 19, 2015
Hi everyone, My name is Tos.

tl;dr – After some personal b/s, I've decided to renengage with quitting smoking and I've bought some new vape kit - convince me I'm on the right track and haven't thrown good money after bad!

I've been smoking cigarettes for about 15-16 years, since I was 13-14. I've quite enjoyed it over the years, but about 3 years ago I started trying to give up. I've managed 6 month stretches twice without smoking cigarettes as a fairly lackadaisical vapist.

It's something I enjoyed and something with which the health benefits for me over smoking were obvious. In the past I've owned pretty much every combination of £20 starter kits atomisers and batteries treating the individual elements as disposable and without much care for brand or quality and always just satisfied enough with the ease of use/price point/ ease of high street availability to stick with my 'Trigger's Broom' approach.

For nearly as long as I've been smoking tobacco I have been a very regular and mostly daily smoker of cannabis joints. When I had managed to give up cigarettes, I was still smoking multiple spliffs with tobacco a day. I have spent the last 6 months concentrating on some of my more angry demons and have now been clean and sober for that time. I find myself increasingly relying on cigarettes as a crutch. I now feel like I am in a pretty decent shape personally and ready to get back into vaping and move away from burning tobacco (my poor body! My poor wallet!), without the frankly unnecessary trauma of kicking nicotine.

Over the last few months, it has been completely obvious to me that the pleasure I got from the physical act of rolling and smoking has diminished into insignificance and the act of lighting a cigarette is purely to handle the nicotine cravings: With all this in mind, and as a little bit of a treat for myself I have done a little light reading and a little light clicking and purchased:

  • Kagertech Ipow 2 1600 mAh Battery (£21 shipped)
  • Aspire Mini Nautilus (£19 shipped + £9 for 5 BVC coils)
  • T-Max Snake Oil 12mg Juice (£16 shipped)

It's all due to arrive late next week... I have enough tobacco to last me until then, and I intend to try and savour it as much as possible. Oh the anticipation! Help me get through it, POTVrs!

Here is my current rig (bare in mind the battery on the ecig is flat and I have no charger):



If you haven't guessed it yet, you're all my new support group. Welcome aboard :)
Well, the battery arrived a few days early. I took the precaution of buying some fluid just in case :) It does a fine job with this Aspire BDC thing I had lying around. Looking forward to the nautilus mini now.

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Good luck boss. First time I lasted 3 months. Second time I'm up to ten months and counting and can't stand the smell or taste of cigs any more.
hello and welcome.
You are on the right road and your new kit should do the job.
Most people that struggle are not getting enough nicotine so go for at least 18mg or 24mg nicotine till you break your habit would be by No1 bit of advise.
Good luck.
Thanks everyone! I have a mixture of 18 & 12mg liquid en route or here. I have done ok with the 18s in the past but thought maybe with the better kit I will manage with 12. We'll see. I'm prepared for either eventuality. I have no long term plans not to be a vaper, so it's not a massive concern. Will just endeavour to find something that works for me!

Despite the terrible state of that old BDC coil/tank, I got some new fluid (Liberty Flight/Winter Nip/18mg) and hooked it up to the new battery and haven't had or fancied a smoke since it turned up. Early days, and I aren't putting any pressure on myself to not smoke tobacco until the tank and the nice fluid has arrived, but I'm pleased that despite having a couple of glasses of wine I haven't reached for the fags. I've been hanging off the vape a bit though :)
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sounds like you are a man with his head screwed on properly.
I think you will do fine and ordering the 12 & 18 mg is a good idea to cover the eventualities.
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