A super original title with an undoubtedly equally inspired message following. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel like your reading the same thing over again for the hundredth time. Only one of those statements is in fact true.
I have used these forums many times as google directed me here to find a useful answer to my latest question. So taking into account the fact I was already using them, I thought it would be nice to sign up. So here I am, who I am is equally boring. I am a thirty something male, who really enjoys vaping. For the past 8 months vaping has kept me entirely off the analogues so much so, that I do not even miss them and find ciggie smoke slightly gross these days.
As often happens feeding my nicotine craving has fast become a hobby, I find myself gathering mods, tinkering with coils and all in all enjoying making puffs of sweet smelling mist in much the same way as some folks may enjoy model trains.
A common side effect of our shared passion so at least, although redundant chances are we have something in common around here.
My daily driver is currently a vandy berseker mtl which I really cannot say enough good things about. Beyond that I also enjoy cos playing as Thomas the tank engine (huge clouds from a happy idiot) with a Bonza RDA on my Innokin Atlas. I could likely ramble on about other tanks and toys, but I am sure this covers it.
Thanks for having me, looking forward to asking some usually simple questions and on rare occasion having something to share in return.
I have used these forums many times as google directed me here to find a useful answer to my latest question. So taking into account the fact I was already using them, I thought it would be nice to sign up. So here I am, who I am is equally boring. I am a thirty something male, who really enjoys vaping. For the past 8 months vaping has kept me entirely off the analogues so much so, that I do not even miss them and find ciggie smoke slightly gross these days.
As often happens feeding my nicotine craving has fast become a hobby, I find myself gathering mods, tinkering with coils and all in all enjoying making puffs of sweet smelling mist in much the same way as some folks may enjoy model trains.
A common side effect of our shared passion so at least, although redundant chances are we have something in common around here.
My daily driver is currently a vandy berseker mtl which I really cannot say enough good things about. Beyond that I also enjoy cos playing as Thomas the tank engine (huge clouds from a happy idiot) with a Bonza RDA on my Innokin Atlas. I could likely ramble on about other tanks and toys, but I am sure this covers it.
Thanks for having me, looking forward to asking some usually simple questions and on rare occasion having something to share in return.