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New Member
Sep 14, 2013
Thought I would finally join and start posting as I've been lurking long enough and have certainly gained a lot of useful knowledge from this forum so far. I was an on/off smoker for about 7 years (mostly on...) and decided to make the switch almost 4 weeks ago. I haven't had a single cigarette since and reading about all the mods/mixology related to vaping has piqued my inner nerd interest. Please forgive/correct me if I'm not quite using any terminology in the right way, still learning!

I started off with an ego clearomiser kit which has an ego battery and CE4 tanks. It's been working great, but I wanted to try a different clearo so last week bought an iClear 16 and a 1.5ohm spare coil, as the website I bought it from said that the lower resistance coil (the iClear 16 ships with a 2.1ohm) is better suited to the battery type I have. After swapping the new coil in and using the iClear, I've had a much smoother vape and more flavour (I'm using Celtic Vapours liquids).

I do have one question: The tip of the iClear seems to get quite warm and I've noticed the coil occasionally burns red hot if I take a draw any longer than 4 seconds or so. This is quite concerning (I've been using the clearo for less than a week) and I try not to inhale any vapour whenever I see this happening. Should I be cleaning it after every fill/taking shorter draws/getting a new setup/not worrying at all?

Thanks in advance, any help much appreciated! :hugs:
Hi Swanny,

Welcome aboard - don't worry about the terminology it sounds like you're doing well :)

Regarding the iClear16's, they're great little clearos. Normally 1.5ohm would be too low for an ego but the dual coil means it should be fine. It's normal for it to get warm with prolonged use but if it's glowing red that might be a sign that not enough liquid is wicking.

Are you using VG juice by any chance? as it's thicker it might not be wicking well enough. Or are you chain vaping it to the point the coils are drying out?
Hi Martin, thanks for your reply! So if 1.5ohm is normally too low for an ego, what sort of resistance would be optimum?

The liquid I'm using in it currently is >60% PG, 30% VG, so I don't think that's the issue. (I am looking to experiment with higher % VG liquids once I've figured out the best setup for them!) I first noticed that the coil glowed red on my first vape after it had been sitting for about an hour, but as you suggested it could be that the wick had dried out. Thanks again for your help and I'll continue reading up on it!
Resistance can be tricky, it can depend on a few factors. Some Egos are fixed at around 3.3 or 3.7 Volts whereas some start at 4.2 on a full charge and gradually decrease so that can alter the vape throughout the day. It can also be down to personal tastes, I personally prefer lower resistance around 1.8ohms on a single coil but my tastes vary depending on the juice and the atty. Through experimentation you'll find what works best for you.

keep an eye on the iClear situation, it may just fix itself after a few days use as it breaks in. If the warmer vape isn't doing it for you you might want to try a bottom coil clearo like the Evod or mini protank.

Whatever you find works for you enjoy the journey, it's a lot of fun.
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