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Haha Jaded :) welcome to the planet...10 posts is easy as fook man :D I know its a pain in the bollocks for a seasoned forum user such as yourself :P but you really shoulda got here last year ;) :P think how high your post count could of been :P

Actually if you check my profile you'll see that I joind on the 18th of August 2013...
:welcome1: @Jaded

What's your fav ejuice?


I mix my own since I like my juice 100% VG, completely undiluted and the consistency of golden syrup.

For my all day vape I like baccy flavours - my favourite is probably Decadent Vapours' Hilton. I have a comedy pipe and I fill that with something I call "Old Shag" which is a mixture of DV Rich Pipe, Cognac and Black Cherry.

For variety I always carry a tiny 3mm bottle of "Juice of the Day" – at the moment it has a mixture of caramel and peanut - my attempt to replicate the european street snack – it's very nice!
@Jaded , Just the man!
Was just looking on UKV (It's rare for me to do that these days) to see if you've dropped any hints as to where it is!
Tamworth is cheap for me to get to.
Say it's in Birmingham, for the love of god please :P
*Goes to google to see how many acres the NEC is*
Wait, you said like a park. Foock. Not the NEC.
Ball bags.

Until the paperwork is signed I can't tell you the location, but I can tell you one thing for sure it won't be Tamworth!

We'd out grown that venue in 2012 and only returned to the Moat House in 2013 because we had so little time to arrange it.

After 2012 the committee decided to pass the job on to another team as it had become too big and too much like hard work. There were many eager folk keen to take it up, some of them quite well known in vaping circles, with very ambitious plans for the festival. However, as time went by, it became obvious that nothing was being done and it seemed as though there wouldn't be a festival at all that year... So we returned for what we considered to be "the very last time" and pulled the whole thing together in a couple of months.

The very last time? Well apparently not.

The venue will be announced at the end of this month - I know it's frustrating but I can't tell you any more until it's all signed and sealed.

So it's not Tamworth but it's not a million miles away from Tamworth, similar longitude, and it's big, really BIG!

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Will one more post allow me to edit my avatar? Yes!
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Will one more post allow me to edit my avatar?
It should do but it may take the server a while to catch up. often logging out and in again will help

Edit: just seen your avvy :)
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