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Help flavour concentrates pg or vg or zero???


Feb 27, 2017
Hi guys just about to make 4 new juices and my very first diy mixes but have left it for now as the only thing that baffles me is on the calculator i dont know what to put in for the concentrates. I dont know if they are pg, vg or what percentage. i have looked at the bottles and 2 mention vg, flavourings and water and the other 2 mention flavourings and water but not pg or vg. any tips appreciated thanks
Hi guys just about to make 4 new juices and my very first diy mixes but have left it for now as the only thing that baffles me is on the calculator i dont know what to put in for the concentrates. I dont know if they are pg, vg or what percentage. i have looked at the bottles and 2 mention vg, flavourings and water and the other 2 mention flavourings and water but not pg or vg. any tips appreciated thanks
What brand are they, typically concentrate are in Pg
chefs choice cookies and cream and cookie dough ice cream, chefs flavours the doughut king and spiffing cookies and cream i cant find this info anywhere so dont know whats best to do
This is where it can get confusing. A standard juice should contain VG, PG, Nic (dissolved in either PG or VG) and Flavour.
The "Flavour" can be a single flavour or a blend. Flavours, blends or concentrates are normally PG based. If you have a Flavour that says it contains water sounds odd to me unless they mean AVG (Aqueous VG).
As @slugster says, tell us what make or brand so we can investigate or advise.
Hi yeas the chefs choice and the chefs flavours. one says ingredients veg glycerine, flavourings and water
Is it one shots you've bought or ready made juice, if it's concentrates you could shake them see how runny the liquid is, vg will be thicker
Still none the wiser as to why it would say it contains VG and water but ask whoever sold them to you.
Flavourings are not used solely for making e-juice so don't see why they would even say what ingredients they have, but this is where confusion creeps in. Flavours from establshied flavour houses like Capella, TFA, FA can be used for all kinds of things and are mostly PG based. Then you get vaping concentrates which are blends of god knows what and some places even state "only to be used for vaping". It sounds like you have perhaps got some AVG based concentrates?

If you join http://e-liquid-recipes.com you can look up recipes using named flavours and even "concentrates". I just checked for Chefs Choice Banana Custard and found it used as a standard PG flavour ingredient on a recipe there.
This help is really great thank you guys. here is a link to one of the flavours https://www.chefsflavours.co.uk/che...hris-spiffing-cookies-cream.html#/7-size-30ml no information on their site so will need to call them soon

They really should have some info on there and a photo of the bottle.
That flavour/concentrate you mention is listed on e-liquid recipes site but in their forum someone is saying that the Chefs Choice concentrates are actually rebranded Cupcake World flavours but the ChefsVapour are their own.
Don't know if that's true but here is the link to the discussion http://forum.e-liquid-recipes.com/t/chefs-flavours-tasting-notes-reviews/107960
Sold in the US but no info there either http://www.onestopdiyshop.com/category-s/183.htm
If they answer you, please report back to us.
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