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Help! I need a new mod but I'm a noob

Welcome to the planet, "breathbags" made me chuckle, not heard that before.

But I'm betting your already confused with what's been suggested as each person has their own favourites, I'm not even going to suggest one.

I suggest you look on a site such as https://www.ecigone.co.uk/e-cig-kits
(or any other site, I only suggest them as they have been great for me)

Find something that you like the look and sound of then come back and ask if it's any good, otherwise you're going to be flooded with more confusing choices.

Happy hunting :)
Mods with DNA chips are the way to go imo. I have a paranormal 75c, releux 250 and thinkvape finder 250c. Will probably get one of the squonkers soon too. Mods with the DNA chips are durable, accurate and should last a long time.
Mods with DNA chips are the way to go imo. I have a paranormal 75c, releux 250 and thinkvape finder 250c. Will probably get one of the squonkers soon too. Mods with the DNA chips are durable, accurate and should last a long time.
And double their budget lol.
Loving my Therion BF DNA's - my precious but they are my house pets and never take em out.
Noble cloud wizards, I beseech thee.

I had a Sinuous P80 and dropped it and now I have a Sinuous PoS. Its lost the metal doohicky that keeps the charger in the charging port and no longer clicks and fires when I squeeze it.

It lasted a good year and a half but time to move on. So I go online and look at all the reviews and the recommendations and the 5,000,000 ways you can put sugary nicotine liquid into your breathebags and it felt like I needed a masters degree in engineering to understand anything and now I'm super confused.

I'm after
  • Something that works, is somewhat durable and is going to last me.
  • Something that does sub-ohm vaping. If its compatible with my cleito tank then great, if I have to get a new tank but the coils ain't expensive than also great.
  • If it works with my beloved Far Neon Green Slushie, the sickly sweet nectar of the gods wrought from the unfiltered tears of Aphrodite herself, then you will please me greatly.
  • Me likey VW thing. I do not know the other things. (TC? UTI? God vaping is hard!)
  • £50-60 is about my limit.
  • I already have two 18650 batteries so preferably a mod that takes those too?
If anyone has any recommendations based on their own experiences than I'd love to hear them.


As a wildcard idea I'd recommend the innokin Atlas big box.
I'd rate the innokin mods I've had over the years as the hardest wearing and accurate plus I finally had a look at one of these bad boy's the other day and my word they are spot on. Part of a new top end range from innokin and the board is more efficient and accurate than the evolv in independent testing. More than that though it looks fantastic. Lol. Rather impressed. If I was after a 200w mod I think I couldn't pass it by.
Tesla Wye 85w - best upgrade I've made, great piece of kit, mines taking a load of drops and bashes with no detrimental effects
Use mine with a 4ml Innokin Zenith
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