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help me spend my money, mech and rda next on the list


Mar 2, 2014
Hi guys

have been vaping for a few months now, went from evod to mvp with protank2 and now I want to try dripping.

I'm not adverse to tinkering and have recoiled both evod tanks and protank so far with pretty good results, not as pretty as some coils I've seen on here but they work!

I want to have a go at this dripping malarkey and fancy a nice compact shiny mech mod to put it on, can anyone suggest what kit to go for?
I don't want to drop mega cash incase its not for me so would be looking at clones really, rda wise I'd like something that I could try dual coiling and is fairly easy to work with, something that fits nice on the mod diameter wise.
Mod wise I'd like something that can do 18350 mode or 18650 mode and hopefully have the space to be kicked too since I would like to have this protection while getting my feet wet so to speak. A button on the side would be preferred as I don't like the idea of bottom button, locking ring would be nice too!

I expect its too much to ask for a cheap clone but if you guys could fire me some suggestions that'd be great.

Also whats the best batteries and chargers I could get to go with it
Sigelei 13a with a UD Igo-w3 dripper will set you back around 30 quid, don't forget you will need to factor in batteries/charger/wire on top.
great starting point to be honest if you want to test the water.
Sigelei is nicely made with a side firing locking button, is telescopic from 18350 to 18650.
The Igo-w3 is a 5 post dripper that performs insanely well for it's price, it's kind of fiddly working on a deck with 5 posts but gives you experience of playing with up to quad coil setups, airflow on it is a beast also.
I was looking at the nemesis, would prefer a side firing button but haven't seen anything other than vv/vw mods that have them.

can't see how a bottom button would be easy to use, how do they feel?
not my favourite either but the 69 would be good as you can swap the button from top side to bottom side of the mod
Im kind of in the same boat as you, want a mod but too many options out there.
I have been looking at getting a hammer and using protected batteries so I wouldn't need a kick. But I would like a tube mod also.

When it comes to RDA's I'm lost. Why do some seem to have tanks attached? Are these still RDA's? I guess they are top coil and have wicks?

Sorry for asking so many questions on your thread Dagger
Bottom buttons form me everytime but depends on the mod, some are not nice to use.
I have been very happy with my Luxe 18350 & Hybrid Dripper. It is a bottom button, very small mod. Took me a couple of hours getting used to using my pinky knuckle to fire it but is surprisingly comfy.
I do love the look of the nemesis, I think I'd be inclined to go with an igo w too, still am undecided about bottom firing button though, not sure my pinky finger is dextrose enough to make use of it!

are the igo w's a pretty good entry level dripper?
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