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Help needed by any diy RY4 lovers!


Jan 1, 2015
Hi all.

Having a few problems with my diy ry4 recipe, I got :
Tfa - ry4 double
Hangsen - ry4 essence
Flavourart - aroma ry4

And various other tfa concentrates Bavarian creme caramel marshmallow etc etc etc

Problem is I can get no flavour am I missing something? I have tried from 5% right up to 25% with no real flavours iv seen people saying how nice and sweet the double one is but I can't taste anything! Or for that matter smell either the hangsen essence smells like just what I'm after but taste of nothing. The flavourart and tfa ones if I open the lid of the concentrate and have a wiff it Smells to me like plastic/ white spirit :( do I have a dodgy batch? Seems strange both flavourart and tfa smell the same. My wife also had a wiff and described it as burnt plastic so can't just be me.

I enjoy my juices at a higher VG content normally but have tried even 100% pg and still no different.

My set up is a innokin vtr and aerotank mega tried fresh coils etc all makes no difference all my other juices taste fine.

Have also tried steeping for a month with regular tastes between also tried hot water bath. I would really love to be able to create something like hangsens ry4 with a bit more caramel. All suggestions would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance
10% HS RY4
3% Inawera Caramel

What nicotine level do you vape at? and What target mix you aiming for % wise vg/pg?
10% HS RY4
3% Inawera Caramel

What nicotine level do you vape at? and What target mix you aiming for % wise vg/pg?

I usually vape 12mg on my aerotank or 6mg on my dripper I would like to achieve 80vg 20pg but I understand that's quite thick so have been trying 80pg 20vg still with no taste the concentrates I have smell nothing like caramel or vanilla not even tobacco just smells like solvent plastic to me and everyone else that had a smell the hangsen is the only one that smells nice but taste of nothing no matter what % flavour I use or how long I steep. Hangsen I have is dark brown in colour the rest are clear or slightly yellow ish
Can't really help with the tobacco side of things as I don't use any, but with regards to the smell, I wouldn't worry too much about that. I have some stuff that smells fairly foul but is lovely at the right dilution - most notably a hazelnut which, when you open the bottle of concentrate, assaults you with what is best described as a mix between old smelly socks and wet dog :rotflmao: and it's so pungent you can actually smell it without opening the bottle - I keep that one double-bagged and open windows when I use it.
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