Hi folks I purchased my ecig set a month ago . Anyway I got two batteries with it. So charge one as I use the other.
Anyway this happened friday night. It was charging up my other spare battery. And it was finished charging. So I unscrewed it and plugged in the battery that had gone totally flat. As I screwed in the flat battery it was saying charged. I knew it wasnt as it wouldnt come on. So screwed it in more thinkin it wasnt connected. Anyway. I tried to unscrew it and it wouldnt come out. I borrowed another charger and this charged up my battery that im now using now. But the one that was flat to start with just flashes 5 times and then wont charge up! Pretty fed up. 65 quid forked out and im in need of vape but only got one battery. Which b4 the days out will go flat.
These batterys should last longer than say 2 weeks use of 10 hours shouldnt they?
Anyway this happened friday night. It was charging up my other spare battery. And it was finished charging. So I unscrewed it and plugged in the battery that had gone totally flat. As I screwed in the flat battery it was saying charged. I knew it wasnt as it wouldnt come on. So screwed it in more thinkin it wasnt connected. Anyway. I tried to unscrew it and it wouldnt come out. I borrowed another charger and this charged up my battery that im now using now. But the one that was flat to start with just flashes 5 times and then wont charge up! Pretty fed up. 65 quid forked out and im in need of vape but only got one battery. Which b4 the days out will go flat.
These batterys should last longer than say 2 weeks use of 10 hours shouldnt they?