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Help With Choice Of Coil

freddie, GT Mesh coils at 0 5 ohm produce a lot of vapour but do go through your batteries quickly. At lower levels GT CCell coils are nice.

And if you wanted to, these coils mentioned will also run in TC/Temperature mode as well. Set max temperature at 250°C though and watts are like a preheat setting to initially heat the coil to temperature, so you can adjust watts to your preference.
Have you checked fasttech? Had a quick look and they are much cheaper. Vapeclub stuff is dear
If your tank uses GT Cores then the tank is compatible with eleaf HW coils. Buy some eleaf HW-M or HW-N coils. They are mesh and provide great flavour and last ages. They piss all over the GT4 and GT8 coils, IMHO.
Sorry folks, got mixed up with GT CCell ohms. They're at 0.5.

GT Mesh are at 0.18 ohms, and are Stainless Steel. Not Kanthal, like Eleaf coils.

And SS is useful if you wish to use TC/Temperature mode, and yes I have tried the mesh in TC and it does work.
You could always take the rebuildable route? If you want advice on which Rebuildable Tank Atomiser to start with - just ask and we will be happy to point you in the right direction buddy :)
Building your own coils gives you freedom to tweak your vaping experience to suit. Plus it's much, much cheaper ;)
Faceteeth I've got a couple of Ammit 25's, 3mm hollow Ekowool and 0.5×0.1 SS316L ribbon to mess with. Or is that mess up? More later.
Faceteeth I've got a couple of Ammit 25's, 3mm hollow Ekowool and 0.5×0.1 SS316L ribbon to mess with. Or is that mess up? More later.
Lolol definately mess up. Good luck buddy!

I bought my old man the Ammit 25 and I loved it, should have bought myself one too.
The Ammit 25 seems one of the most well made foolproof RTA's around, got mine from fasttech for about £20. And, yes you do get the tank extension kit for 5ml capacity. None of this daft TPD lark.

And the Ekowool, well at least you can't set it on fire.

But at £20, if you can spare it why don't you treat yourself Faceteeth. Just select e-packet for free shipping, that takes a while. But it does get there, eventually.
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