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Here we go Again 18/3/2022

wow, thats fekkin crazy.

latest result for past week in uk. its way down on when it was really bad but still 398 in 7 days is bad enough.

View attachment 280532
I wouldn't both looking at the .gov dashboard for testing, because they're not doing it anymore. The ONS survey and is going to give you a much better picture of the rate of COVID infections in the UK.
I wouldn't both looking at the .gov dashboard for testing, because they're not doing it anymore. The ONS survey and is going to give you a much better picture of the rate of COVID infections in the UK.
got a link.
we can only go by what i hear on the news and the stats released by my hospital where i work (or should i say used to as ive been stuck working at home for past 2 years and 4 months).

This is mental! Those poor children and their families! Shocking

Long covid is debilitating not only physically. But mentally too, they go hand in hand. As u know

Personally, i have to say that the last 8 months have been the worst months of my life and im still struggling. Been waiting for an appointment to see a long covid clinic for 6 months but im not suprised and whilst ive suffered i know many are much worse then me.
The support is hugely lacking as my local gp cannot help apart from treat the symptoms.

I am a different person to who i was pre covid but im learning to accept that now, i no longer have the energy to fight my demons. Luckily my work have been hugely supportive and im now working reduced hours and still getting paid, if that wasnt the case it would be much worse so i am lucky in that respect.

Cases are riaing again and im scared of getting it again x
Yep. One in thirty. But hey! If we ignore it, maybe it will go away.

thing is, people like me (imuno supressed) cant ignore it. in simple terms if i get it i die.

sadly i had to pull out of my first meal out in ages last night as i got a call on friday to say one of the chaps his wife was just tested positive and i was meant to be going round to his house first.
hes had it twice already and i was not going to risk it just for a meal out.
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@DeeDee aka (Pod Queen) I hope you get the support you need and make a recovery as quickly as possible. I had post viral fatigue for a few months years back and that floored me. I can't imagine how bad long Covid must be.
the ZOE study are predicting cases based on reports to
their app among other data. i think they might be the most accurate predictions.
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