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Here we go again; a French study has a go at e-cigs

Yah... I saw that. They published one of my comments concerning the dodgy source but not the other one in reply to some ignoramus who was saying that there must be "all sorts of chemicals" in e-cigs. I gave the three ingredients in my home-brew (VG, flavour and nicotine) and explained what each was. I guess some mod thought it was too much science for Mail readers to handle.

Headline: "E-cigarettes are as harmful as cigarettes and could cause cancer, claims study"

"I've read the article on the magazine's site and in it the INC (Institut National de la Consommation), a French Consumer Association, is quoted as being the source. What isn't made clear is that the magazine is more of a glorified propaganda leaflet than something you'd find on any news stand and is produced by the INC itself. EU countries have been gearing up to banning e-cigarettes since they first appeared for the mass market in 2006 (the idea was originally that of a Chinese man who first constructed one in his basement in 2004). The "findings" are political nonsense rather than science. Studies show that e-cigarettes are much healthier for the user and what comes off these devices is harmless steam. There is a mountain of evidence for that but it has been conveniently ignored by a social-Marxist ruling class who are peddling a lie. E-cigarettes are a libertarian success story which is the only real reason why the authoritarian governments of the EU will eventually ban them."
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Just a laymans thought on this. E-cigs are marketed as those devices that are pre packaged, with pre filled atomisers that you see advertised in the press and for sale at the kiosk/tobacco counter of your local supermarket. They look like a traditional cigarette and are intended to keep that purchaser buying that same brand of e-cigarette, much like the tobacco companies do with their product. Now anyone with a suspicious mind must already get where I am heading with this, with regard to THOSE SPECIFIC E-CIGS. It may actually be the case that the manufacturers are putting additives into the atomisers, other than the ingredients we, as vapers, use, simply to promote addiction. I have always thought that there should be a definite division and difference between e-cigs and 'personal vapourisers'. That is just my two penneth and I know I do not need to elaborate for you all to get my drift.
Everything the Mail thinks (and I use that word very very loosely) can give or cure cancer thus far:



Will single mothers give drivers cancer?

Will working mothers give your daughters cancer?

Could cancer turn the church gay?
They also ran a story, shortly after I had my first MI, that the NHS was concerned that patients with heart problems, who had been prescribed medication, were spraying GTN onto their glans penis to promote an erection. This caused a rush on GTN sprays and patients that were prescribed it for very good reasons of their health (me included) had it removed from their repeat prescription list. They love scare mongering and care not for any upset it causes. ps. the GTN thing Don't work. Just in case you were wondering. Not that you were, of course.
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