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Vaping Bj

New Member
Sep 19, 2017
I´m BJ from Germany and I hope all of you doing well.

I stopped smoking last year and it was pretty easy for me because i had a very nice e-cigarette from the beginning (I-Stick Pico with Melo 3 Clearomizer)
The problem that i have is the crappy liquid-situation here in Germany. Its not because we dont have a good selection of different liquids but that we dont have that mainstream stuff that you can buy everywhere. Every Store here has different liquids and i you have found one that you like you are pretty much dependent on that particular store. And if your favorite liquid is sold out - bad luck.
So was wondering how the situation in the UK is. Do you have these kind of mainstream liquids which are tasty and you can buy it everywhere (Local Stores, convinience stores, gas stations, internet, etc.) ??
Hi and welcome. I buy on the internet and yes we have plenty to choose from. Some vendors ship abroad so it's worth having a look.
Hi @Vaping Bj and welcome to the forum.

Check out this thread as load of juice sites that are used and trusted by members... sure some of them will ship abroad.

FYI... if you haven't seen the banner at the top of the every page... we are currently doing a charity raffle.... details on how to enter, the cause and the prizes on offer are available through the links on the banner itself.

Last I checked there was 64 prizes.... all of which I believe have at least one mod and one atty.... generously donated by members and vendors.... check it out if you get a chance.
Hello @Vaping Bj, Nice to meet you Mate !!!
Hey guys, thank you for your answers!
Like i said, its not that we dont have a selection, but it is very difficult to find liquids, that tastes good AND are easy to have. For me its exhausting to order big amounts in the internet or having a long way to find the next lokal e-cig-store. And i dont understand why there isnt a liquid, that tastes nice and that you can buy at 11 in the evening at the next gas station. I mean something like a brand, that is well known by everyone. The only thing you can find there are cheap chinese products which tastes horrible.
That why i was asking if you guys having something in the UK...
Welcome @Vaping Bj

So was wondering how the situation in the UK is. Do you have these kind of mainstream liquids which are tasty and you can buy it everywhere (Local Stores, convinience stores, gas stations, internet, etc.) ??

= These generally suck in the U.K. and are overpriced. Best to buy online - check out the list @Fogster posted above
Hey welcome!
I find the ones you get in local shops (Unless specifically vape shops) are not all that good. The problem is that there is so much choice out there and having one specific brand wouldn't work as everyone wants to flog their own - understandably. I find the net is the best place to go - there is so much choice out there and some of them do sell at decent prices so can get a few 10ml to taste with of different flavours and choose from there.
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