Aye, that be true. I was a working man myself till a few years ago, have done since a young laddie, but aside from the recent medical mishaps, which thnakfully, are all but sorted now...as i'm pretty much recovered form the strokes now, even nearly regained all of the use of thee side of me body that went limp after the strokes!
But, i have other issues that'll be with me till i draw my last breath...a generic sight and hearing loss...which put paid to my ability to continue working safely permenantly, a few years ago. I'm sure some folks would relish the idea of never having to work again....but i found being reliant on the goverment for financial and medical support, took some getting used to & still doesn't sit easy with me today. Losing my sight has shattered my confidence in myself...i can't go anywhere these days, without another person to 'look out' for me, all too easy to trip over something i'm unable to see in time. That's pretty much buggered up any chance of working for an employer and having an independant life for myself..but i do as best can with what i have to work with, it's all i can do. I worry about future...one never knows what future administration policy changes will effect mine and other disabled folks circumstances. Especially given the economic mess the UK and other western countries have been in since the crash of 2008! The only small blessing, in my case, is that as a lifelong batchelor, i have no dependants or family to worry about...but i sympathise with your issues.
So..yeh..these 'little' life's worries are never far from thought....but we must make do as best we can, don't we.
Hope your health circumstances improve in time. We're only on this little blue ball we call earth for a short time...so strive on we must & make the good times count!
Good luck with your vape journey.