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Hi All! Irishman here living in South Wales

Hello and welcome RRSNUT. I lived in Penarth for about 15 years, just moved across the border a while back! Excuse the ignorance, what's the RRS about, anything to do with rallying?
Hello and welcome @RRSNUT. I lived in Penarth for about 15 years, just moved across the border a while back! Excuse the ignorance, what's the RRS about, anything to do with rallying?
Blossom - hi and thank you for the welcome. I worked all over Cardiff when I first got here and Penarth used to be my "patch", I used to deal with some very strong willed :banghead: customers out them ways but not as bad as the Sully residence! :flames:Pmsl

Now Blossom! I clearly hardly know you and feel it quite forward that you ask me straight off the bat what "RRS" stands for :umm::umm:
Maybe in time I may divulge such information or simply never tell just opting to keep the information to myself, applying the same rules that relate to a "ladies age" or "not kissing and telling" or maybe it can be my way of staying mysterious for now giving me a feeling of distance and security I require. Maybe I have just built it up far to much more than its worth :sinister:

Ja :whipping2:
Welcome to the Planet!!! I've just ordered myself another couple of bottles of Kings Custard, Its very Moreish isn't it!!!!:welcome1:
I really like Vapingkings stuff, I have not tried many different custard flavours but I am almost addicted to Apple pie and custard and kings custard.
HAZZA1962 have you tried Mrs Lords Custard? I will try to get some and compare but it seems like a nightmare to get hold of!

Cheers Bruv
Sorry about the late reply mate!!! i've been on a course all day, I think you've got to have a letter off the Pope to get juice off Mrs Lords so I've never been able to try some !!!:P
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