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Hi all!!!


Aug 21, 2013
Been lurking here for months but been too busy reading some of the great info and tips here to post.
Just spent 10 mins trying to change me avatar when I noticed the bit about 10 posts whoops!!!!:rules1:
(Note to self next time read the bloody rules)

That why it didn't work I take it all back Google - Chrome not so bad after all :frustratedcomputer:
OK so this is post no2 so only another 8 to go. :hmm: (The first one must have slipped in under the radar somehow)

And if any one who knows me and bumps into me in me local watering hole DONT ask what is that I am smoking - does a VTR with extension tube with a Fogger V3 on top look like a cigarette to you :3dmad:
ps also great for weight training

Best wishes from Wiltshire (Its the bit in the centre of the map you travel through to get anywhere)
welcome fella hows it goin - has anyone told you you lookrather like the dog off that kids tv show woof from a few years back lol
Hello there

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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