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Hi Def Review Of The Vamo

By the time the slow boat from China got to the the UK all that brass would probably turn green. Though it would allow some of the obsessives on another forum to start threads about the best brass polish etc etc.
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After trying this, I've realised I never need a provari. I know that may upset people but its just the way it is. Basically £20 for a well made vv/vw it works a treat and feels as solid as a rock. In single 18350 mode it's a nice size etc etc etc. the only thing it doesn't have is the styling and the name. But I could own 10 of these for the price of a single provari. It is also vw which the provari isn't.

just my opinion

Id be interested to try one of these , where did you get, will tide me over till I get a provari!
It came from http://zainy.net/160--latest-provari-vv-mod-vamo-.html :) I think it was posted on the 14th nov in china and was here on the 22nd. They also have the metal buttoned version available now. They were very quick on getting on top of some problems when it was released.

Still over the moon with it.

Oh, and my comments were definitely not derogatory towards the provari, I'm sure it is engineered a lot better than this. But I just can't fault this. I do know from another thread that the casing won't survive the fall from a roof, but the electronics can and are now being installed in a box mod :D

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It is the same as the one I have but mine has metal buttons, it is a great device for the price but I wouldn't be without my provari, there is a massive difference in quality, that aside would I buy another of these cheaper alternatives ..... Definitely and would recommend.
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