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Hi everyone from Madrid!!


New Member
Jul 1, 2014

I'm a spanish vaper from Madrid! I've been vaping the last 4 months and its one of the best experiences I've felt in my hole life... running, breathing, tasting food, drinks... Wowww!! Everyhing is different without tobacco!!

I just wanna say that its my first time on an non-spanish forums and my english is not as well as I'd like... But I promise I'll try to improve it and learn from all of you, vapers!!

See you on the topics!!

'... esos pudientes que resetean paladar con Snake Oil...'
¡Bienvenido, Cuco!

Welcome. Wish I could speak Spanish as well as you speak English. I go to Spain lots and i can order beer !!!!
Welcome! I'm from madrid too! Though I have been living abroad for the last 6 years
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